Thursday, September 10, 2009


こんにちは。私のブログ(Blog) ようこそ。今はじめて日本語 に ブログを かいる。私の日本語はあまりじょずじゃありませんが、買いたいです。ですから、みんなの読むまえに 私の”すみません” を もらてください。

じゃ、なにか 私 はみんあさん に はなしる?ええと、

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Simple ride

“Yo” a friendly snub in my side was ensued by a friendly smile. I turned around and it was J. It has been so long since I’ve seen such a face. So sincere and warm. Lately, I’ve only seen stressed faces around me. If yawning is contagious, I wonder if it is the same for stress. Compared to those few faces, I actually felt glad to have seen J.

“Yosh” I gestured back with a smile. “It has been a while”

“Yeah. It is the time of the semester, I think. Busy with assignments and mid terms. Haha” J shrugged.

“By the way, how long have you waited for the bus till now?” J continued.

“Oh… about 15 minutes. 2 sardine-packed Kg E buses just roared past me” I replied.

As soon I said that, an almost empty Kg E bus stopped in front of the bus stop. The “student-magnet” was swarmed with hapless, impatient, sweaty, inconsiderate students. Both of us took no move but to wait for our chance.

“Haha… What a shame… Considering that we’re NOW 3rd year students. And yet we still have to deal with this crap” J quipped.

“Yeah… I couldn’t agree more. But the wait is gonna be worthwhile” I added.

True enough. By the time we boarded the bus, there were 2 empty seats side by side for me and J. Perhaps there’s a divine intervention to reward us for our patience? I couldn’t tell. But one thing that I could tell was that right at the moment I can only think to enjoy the short ride back with J.

Along the ride, we were chatting like there’s no tomorrow. Warm gestures sugarcoated with smiles were exchanged between me and J. The conversation was really, really enjoyable. It was one of the rare moments when you don’t have to hide your face behind a fake smile.

“So, I heard that you are going to do your practical for the whole next semester…” I commented.

“Yeah, for the whole semester” J sighed. But J continued enthusiastically, “But I am sooo looking forward to it. It is gonna be sooo exciting!”

“I am sure you do. I assume you are doing your practical at a private company, right?”

“Mmm!” J nodded.

Before long, the bus finally reached the student drop-off point of Kg E. A glimpse of someone I know from the bus window outside was waiting for J. J smiled and waved to that person.

“Um… I gotta go now…”

“Yeah… I am taking the other way. See ya”. Then I walked away to the opposite direction.

As I walked, my mind was really calm. It was one of the ride that I enjoyed really much even though it didn't last long.