Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Sayonara 2013

So much had happened during this certainly eventful year of the snake. It is even more intense than last year since major events occur in my life in 2013. 


There are numerous job openings in the private sector that I’ve decided to try my luck with another place after being in Sandakan for two years. It was around June when I had a job interview with the public listed company, S*me D**by. Their new intake will be on January. The interview went well but I have a gut feeling that I'm not going to enjoy working there. 

The second interview was in November with another plantation company. I learnt that it is the largest private oil palm plantation in Malaysia. The interview committee is even more thorough than S*me D**by which consists of plantation director, HR manager and OP manager. THE MOST ENJOYABLE interview also. In short, I'm expected to start work in mid Feb in Kinabatangan region. I really do not mind where they will be posting me, though. 


So far so good. Besides basic needs, no major spending.


My two major illnesses were caused by food (not my cooking). 

1. Food poisoning (2 days vomitting)

2. Tonsillitis which leads to severe coughs (2 weeks duration)

Minus the two mishaps, I'm pretty ok.


More fulfilling than last year's. being a ひっきこもり(hikkikomori) sucks!
.... and I get to know more friends from AGG! You know who you are.