Monday, October 10, 2016


What's the point of meeting if it only wastes time demoralizes people ?

Too much of meetings, like, 8 times a month is actually counter productive!

Friday, January 1, 2016

あけましておめでとうございます 2015 は たのしかった!

2015 have concluded its run. I am pretty much still alive and kicking! Amen to that! Yeah! 

To be honest, I have never done any new year resolutions all my life! So, at least by listing the things I would like to accomplish, it will definitely tune my mind on what to focus.

side note:
Q: OMG? no new year resolutions for all the previous years??! Are you kidding me?
A: Yeah. I kinda just move along with the flow of what life is throwing at me.

Q: No real commitments?
A: Yeah... no heavy duty stuff in my mind... too carefree, I guess...

Q: Aren't you....
A: Okay okay, I get it!!

So here goes. Goals for 2016:

1. Learn Chinese. I am pretty much at primary 1 level >.<!!!

2. Clock at least 4 hours of guitar practice per week.

If  I have reached a bottleneck, hook up with a tutor for RM100-120 per month. Just to spice things up.

3. Get 6 packs!!! Get fit, basically...

4. An artwork per month! 

5. Plant the damn MUSKMELON already!!! Seek out the seeds, dagnabit!!

6. GO TO ANIME FESTIVAL ASIA 2016 SINGAPORE! (or anywhere...Comic Fiesta perhaps)

7. Chitose Shirasawa getto! ok..that's a bit... you know...