Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thought, believe, wish

For the first time we met
I thought you are simple
I thought you are predictable
I thought you are dense
I thought you are a kind person
And I thought you are a firm person

And when we get to know each other
(Or at least I get to know you better than you know me)
I now believe that you are complex
I now believe that you are like Sabah weather
I now believe you are still a dense person
I now believe you are still a kind person
And I now believe that you are a fickle person

As the clock ticks life away
I get to know about you even more
And yet I believe you do not have a clue about the real me
But then it is fine with me
Since your happiness is what I wished to see
Since that matter is what you are always being preoccupied with, right?

I wish that your inner complex wouldn’t affect you (or me or people around)
I wish that you can at least be predictable
I wish that you will overcome your denseness
I wish that you will continue to be kind
And I wish that you will be firm
As I used to think of you that way…

I hope the one I intended for to read this will get what I wanted to convey.
Or else that person is still dense.

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