Monday, May 25, 2009


I almost blew my fuse just now... I mean, JUST NOW! An unexpected vulgar sms was sent to me which totally made me went "Wtf?!!" I was about to tell him to drop dead instantly he received my reply in sms until I suddenly decided to think using my brains instead of my fuming heart.

I am clearly not at fault and yet I replied "Oh- Sorry?". What about an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth principle? It might clearly satisfies one's ego initially and temporarily but then what about the aftermath? Cold war will wage for unknown duration, friendships may severe, backstabbing will be rampant, and in worse case scenario - when the mind cannot control the body anymore, physical attacks will ensue.

I've been denying myself of my own hot-headedness. Yeah... Sure... I've my share of nasty incidents where I blew my lid. But then I do not blame myself. I blamed those who had tested my patience. "You knew that I have a short fuse, then why do you still want to provoke me?!!!! You are only digging your own grave, BASTARD!!!!". In truth, the provoker dug the grave for both of us. Fine, if You want the trouble, if You want the pain so much, if you are asking for it, then why don't you jump into the incinerator? Why Don't you just gauge your eyes out and pour salted lead into the hollow sockets? Don't drag me into your SHIT!!! You whimsical fcuktard!!

I am kinda tired of having to put up with people's shit. My patience is running out. They say patience is virtue. But can virtue solves virtually everything? Can virtue flush the SHIT away? No! From what I know, the SHITS just piled up higher and higher. Which is why the use of force is necessary to flush away the annoying SHITS.

Annoyance is another thing. What annoys people? Repeated undesirable disturbances, behaviors, hindrance and harrassing. I personally despise LC people. Even if they do not LC in front of me, I will still like to punch the daylight out of them. I couldn't stand the sight of LC ppl even if they LC in front of other victims. They are like warts. Annoying. Hard to remove and yet they still rear their ugly heads around. Annoyance is a hazard to one's temper. U can see how a Mom screamed at the top of her lungs to her naughty kids. Or a lecturer shooting mercilessly at his mentee during the VIVA presentation due to the own stupid student's incompetence. Does this make the Mom or the lecturer a bad person for blowing their fuse? One can say that they are at fault too, for their inability to control their subjects (kids and students) but is it fair? One need to be responsible for their own actions.

"SO, only those who are prepared to be KILLEd can KiLL."

Comprehend that yourself, if you are competent enough.

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