Monday, October 19, 2009

Headshrink hour

What now? Err.. Monologue with myself, I think so..

Monologue? Yeah... And you are my second conscious persona...

WOw...Sounds cool.. Any reason to summon me? Nth in particular...

Hmm... Alright... You're leaving me to conduct this session? Haha... you know me...

Zzzz... What a whimsical guy... = = ''' (no comment)

You feeling okay? I guess not... I dunno...

Then you are not okay. Why the depressed look? Huh? You can tell?

Hey, I am you, remember? Alright alright... I'll spill it out... But where to start?

Let's start with, What have you accomplished? Nth...

What makes you say so? Coz my old frens have more accomplishments than me...

How do you know that? Facebook. Duh....

And your new Uni frens? Incomparable... due to my biased point of view...

So you wished you're with your old frens more? It's an unfair question. I missed them as well as I cherish my new frens here. There's no contradiction. I am sure they will answer the same as me.

What are you talking about? I want to accomplish more. Of course with the support of my new frens here. The same goes to my old frens who've accomplished with their new frens' support.

Meaning that you're an underachiever now? Erm... Sort of...

Are you willing to go back to the past? Who doesnt? Undoing the things that I've done and doing things that I have not done.

So that? So that my present will be much better than it already is.

But how about your future? I dunno. I think it is based on my present.

Alright... there are three types of people. First type is the one who wants to live in the past. The second is the one who wants to live in the present. The third is the one who wants to live in the future. Which one is you? Right now I think I am the first type.

But you mentioned " Right now". Which means that you'll be the second or third type right? Yeap.

Are you evaluating this session as a self negativity session? I do not think so. I am more of thinking this as a brainstorming session. Rearranging what is out of place and discovering new stuff (such as priorities)

I think that concludes our session now. Wish you all the best and remember that the best in your life is yet to be discovered. If there's anything else you know how to summon me right? Righty-O

p/s: Will this be edited? Depends. Right now I think it is fine. And I wanna sleep.

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