Sunday, January 26, 2014

The good way... or the bad way

I had received news from my junior. From the sound of it, he did not sound happy at all. In fact, he is dissatisfied; angry even. I reaffirmed this news with two more people. Both of them had also expressed disapprovals and disappointment over that matter. The third person I asked has no reaction to the news. What is actually happening, you might ask?

There is a promotion/reward at hand. Everybody has a fair chance of getting it. I am not participating in it, so it is natural that I am not aware of the result. There is one of them using dishonest means to get the reward, and she got it. However, the others were competing fair and square and got the reward. Everybody else were working hard for months and submitting quality reports and presentation. However, she did not even did her work properly and wrote fake reports. Always absent and did not join meeting often with her supervisor/boss. And now she is cleared for the promotion/reward due to her superior cheating abilities. I am not close with her but I have had received several stories about her.

This is a common situation which I am sure we are bound to face. Does the end result justify the means? Is this attitude "I don't care what method I use as long as I get the reward" healthy? Most people will approve if the efforts are honest and fair. But if the attitude results in dishonest and unethical methods, then this attitude has already lost its essence. Confucius surely did not teach us to use bad ways although he did advises us to try hard to achieve our goal!!

Nevertheless, when we really look around us, the really rich people in business are usually connected to use bribery, political clout, backstabbing and betrayals to succeed. In fact, Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg were found guilty to steal two of his seniors' idea of opening a social network. Even worse, he stole his room mate's programming algorithm (coding etc) for friends finder. The US Court found him guilty and he settled out of court with the three person for few hundred millions USD. But he is already a Billionaire. Stealing and betraying here and there. Just, WOW!

At the end of the day, we only have ourselves to answer for what we have done. Life is unfair because of people like this. 

But we are strong enough not to fall into that vicious temptation aren't we? 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


What is the definition of a liar? It is simple. A person who tells lies is called a liar. This person has lied or has told lies repeatedly until such label was given.

Apparently, there are many types of lies depending on the severity of the lie. The Oxford Dictionary even has categories for different liars! It is true! I am not lying to you!

1.     Fib. 

Sounds so simple that the person who fibs it is called a fibber. A fibber sounds even better when called as a fibster! This is a form of lying that is usually forgiven because it is not intended to deceive. Quite an insignificant or childish lie.

“Please lah… eat this carrot oh.. Later you will become clever like Bugs Bunny”

2.     The second category is a white lie.

This is usually told as a sort of innocent lie. It is so minor that it is almost undetectable! I am sure we all have told a white lie. White lies are sometimes used in the interests of tact or politeness.

“ Does this skirt makes my legs look fat?” asked Jennifer.
“Umm.. No.. uh.. I don’t think so dear” answered her boyfriend.

In this case, both Jennifer and her boyfriend benefits from that white lie.

3.  Bluffing

This is a strategy lie. It is necessary in sports and playing pokers or mahjong. What is great about this lie is that the bluffer does not even need to open his/her mouth to lie! In fact, I don’t think this can harm people’s feelings also.

What? Need example? Okay okay…
a) Basketball fake shoot, fake passing, fake dribble, ankle breaker…

b) same goes for pokers and mahjong… only not using fake cards!!

"pick a card. Any card..."

4.  Exaggeration

This type of lie is add-on something fake to something true in order to make it sound very happening or serious. It is like McD add-on large size (sorry, bad example ;p). 

Examples are:
a) OMG! Jennifer! I saw him dating with actually is 20 girls just now!
b) His pimple is very big oh! Like a golf ball, you know!

5.  Cheating/Misleading – deceiver, slickster, prevaricator

This is sort of a moderate to serious lie, depending on the situation. Making people believe in another thing. Experienced liars are very good at this technique. Please be careful. They are harmful in a group working together.

a) Scoring 62 cp for pure.. then changed to another Lead Daemon to avoid detection…
b) Tmori told Mitty that she wanted to go to toilet for a while.
Sitcon appeared and asked “Where is Tmori. I don’t see her around”
Mitty replied “I saw her going away…duno how long o Sitcon… maybe one hour, one day, one week…..”
“WHATTTTT!!!!!??” Sitcon [Enraged]

6. Noble lie

Noble? Lie? How come this big lie is noble? This is a special and exclusive type of lie that common people cannot use (eg. Farmers, plumbers, students, mechanics…)

      So who can use this? BIG Politicians of course! They use noble lies to control the population so that they are docile and [calm]. Where do they learn from to upgrade to this level? Category 5 of course! If they are trained from young, they will become even more expert liars when become adults who enter into politics. This type of liars is too big until no need example.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Que sera sera~

With the new year of the Gregorian Calendar entering its fourth day,  it is astonishing that time has passed so quickly without me realizing. What is my resolution for the new year? To be honest, I have not yet made up my mind on a specific note. Just a general and kinda generic template of "To be in the pink of health and happy always" is quite good enough, no? I know, I know. I may have taken it lightly this time around. I am thinking of a really really long break for now. Some people like to start the NEW YEAR with a bang and some.... not so flashy as posting on FB or on other social media.

Important decisions have been made LAST YEAR and it is only natural that I shall see through them in this year. Nothing major again for this year, I guess. 

Have we ever thought of what will happen in the future? To us? To our loved ones? 

Will we be able to act through it? What if we screw up? Is there even a hint for what may happen or a safety net to fall back on?

Before all this head aching questions start to bug me, I wanted to share that being worried too much will not bring any benefit but stress. In economic terms, worry is a debt paid in advance. What for to pay interest on something we have not buy yet?

A song from my St Anthony school days

p/s: I did not really understand what the song really means when I was a little boy... but now... 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year

wll edit later...

what a lame post...

may this year of 2014 bring better outcomes than last year ^^