Saturday, January 4, 2014

Que sera sera~

With the new year of the Gregorian Calendar entering its fourth day,  it is astonishing that time has passed so quickly without me realizing. What is my resolution for the new year? To be honest, I have not yet made up my mind on a specific note. Just a general and kinda generic template of "To be in the pink of health and happy always" is quite good enough, no? I know, I know. I may have taken it lightly this time around. I am thinking of a really really long break for now. Some people like to start the NEW YEAR with a bang and some.... not so flashy as posting on FB or on other social media.

Important decisions have been made LAST YEAR and it is only natural that I shall see through them in this year. Nothing major again for this year, I guess. 

Have we ever thought of what will happen in the future? To us? To our loved ones? 

Will we be able to act through it? What if we screw up? Is there even a hint for what may happen or a safety net to fall back on?

Before all this head aching questions start to bug me, I wanted to share that being worried too much will not bring any benefit but stress. In economic terms, worry is a debt paid in advance. What for to pay interest on something we have not buy yet?

A song from my St Anthony school days

p/s: I did not really understand what the song really means when I was a little boy... but now... 

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