Sunday, March 29, 2015

Hew Hew Hew

I hate dislike working with incompetent people.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Is it worth it?

Is it worth it?

Staying in this ship?

When everyone else is leaving one by one?

An Admin officer had resigned. And 3 months later, an executive had also resigned. 2 months later, the new Admin Officer had also resigned. With news that another executive will also resign soon.

While on staff level, there are quite a number of them had already left the company for good.

Does high turnover spells trouble?

As one of the lieutenants of this "army", I need to focus on reviving the spirits of my teammates, however how dim the light is.

Come forth the March audit.

Our biggest fight ever.

We will take you on.

I refuse to die without giving a fight.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

tick tock tick tock

Endless and ever increasing audits.

Endless and ever increasing assessments.

Endless and ever increasing paperwork.

This is a recipe of growing pressure.

Sooner or later, these will bound to cause leakages in valves or pipes which lead to the final output, if you know what I mean.

There is only so much pressure a machine can take. Just like the hydraulic hoses or pumps. You press it too much or subject it to a workload which it cannot handle and you will be looking for a replacement next.

Can I ask the taxi driver to wipe my shoes after we arrived at my destination ? 
Will he demand more payment for doing that extra job?
Can I scold him if he rejects? Well, just because customers are always right? 
Or I can just refuse to pay him my fare since he is in a position of loss.
What will happen then?


’Nuff said...