Sunday, March 1, 2015

tick tock tick tock

Endless and ever increasing audits.

Endless and ever increasing assessments.

Endless and ever increasing paperwork.

This is a recipe of growing pressure.

Sooner or later, these will bound to cause leakages in valves or pipes which lead to the final output, if you know what I mean.

There is only so much pressure a machine can take. Just like the hydraulic hoses or pumps. You press it too much or subject it to a workload which it cannot handle and you will be looking for a replacement next.

Can I ask the taxi driver to wipe my shoes after we arrived at my destination ? 
Will he demand more payment for doing that extra job?
Can I scold him if he rejects? Well, just because customers are always right? 
Or I can just refuse to pay him my fare since he is in a position of loss.
What will happen then?

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