Monday, May 10, 2010

language your mind

I usually do a lot of reflections but they do not count if they are not being taken seriously. Well, one of those ways is to get another post like this on my blog. It is more substantial and permanent.

Okay, the first thing I wanna ask you guys is in what language is your brain thinking? Are you thinking using Chinese, English, Malay or Manglish language? Well well... Did I struck a switch in your mind right now? Have you never thought about it until I mentioned it now? How did I come up with this stuff?

That's gonna leave you something to think and sleepover with.

Oh yes.

Based on my experience, what language you are thinking in affects the oral output of your speech. You are more spontaneous in conversing in English when your state of mind is in English. If you still haven't noticed it yet, you'll tend to respond slower in another language when the respondent replies back in another language.

"Hey C_Yan... I havent given it much a thought and I don't care. I am a genius anyway"

Well, suit yourself. I am not your babysitter.

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