Saturday, May 23, 2015

Words are mightier than sword

If u have nothing good to say to someone, I would appreciate it if u just shut that hole on ur face.

I do not like the condescending tone when u address me. I know that you are from HQ but somehow the veteran HQ bosses are much more warm when addressing us.

Your high and mighty act jz bcz u r related to one of the directors makes me wanna puke the morning cheese I had had today. U r not even been on the field. Remember that, without us the "grassroot ppl", there will be no production for u to sell, ergo ur income as well.

Your overseas education? I, for one, did not even bat an eyelid. I worked my ass off to get into public university while you take the scenic route, wherever the money takes you. Please lah. Degree is not everything.

And one more thing. Please don't get chummy with me if you don't mean it. It feels as fake as a handgloved handshake. A bad lip service is just, urgh. Either you be a sincere gentleman or be a good mute.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Never forget your journey

I still remembered when my classmate seated beside me was singing this song beside me. I have never heard of this song with such easy lyrics before! We were only 12 or 13 years old then. On the first semester of my Secondary school Form 1.

I was only 13. The lyrics did not bring much impact then. I was only glad that I finished primary school and finally entered secondary school!

Who knows that this song played again on the radio 15 years later. A Deja Vu moment?

15 years later. Time sure flies.

15 years later, my friend already got married.

What am I going to tell to the 13-year-old me? You have done a good job?

I wanted to hug "him" tightly.... there is so much that I wanted to tell "him".....

So much had happened beyond "his" wildest dream... Both bitter and sweet...

Is there anything I wanted "him" to change? Play other sports? Take art lessons?


Because of "him", I become who I am today.

Because of "him", I met the friend who sung this heartwarming song.