Monday, May 18, 2015

Never forget your journey

I still remembered when my classmate seated beside me was singing this song beside me. I have never heard of this song with such easy lyrics before! We were only 12 or 13 years old then. On the first semester of my Secondary school Form 1.

I was only 13. The lyrics did not bring much impact then. I was only glad that I finished primary school and finally entered secondary school!

Who knows that this song played again on the radio 15 years later. A Deja Vu moment?

15 years later. Time sure flies.

15 years later, my friend already got married.

What am I going to tell to the 13-year-old me? You have done a good job?

I wanted to hug "him" tightly.... there is so much that I wanted to tell "him".....

So much had happened beyond "his" wildest dream... Both bitter and sweet...

Is there anything I wanted "him" to change? Play other sports? Take art lessons?


Because of "him", I become who I am today.

Because of "him", I met the friend who sung this heartwarming song.

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