Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Military Exams...

Morning was map and ground orientation exam... Nite was Tactic theory exam... tomoro noon will be weaponry theory exam... Tired as a beat horse...

Rode 3 tonne trucks to exam halls.. one of a kind experience.. I wonder what will other civilian students gonna think abt it...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Unrequisitionary state

sms. cold. gonna put entry when free..

India Charlie for 5 days straight

gonna update it when i am free

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Atarashi inspiration

Received new inspiration for today, and I will make sure it will last long for my sake.

Kudos to J.


Thx again.

Mirai o goran ni narimasu. Hontouni arigatou gozaimasu.

True Happiness

MONEY may not necessarily be evil but the craving for it certainly is, or so it seems.

Curious, isn’t it. But the incontestable truth is that money is so powerful that it’s arguably the motivating force that drives our world.

In this respect, money ticks all the right boxes – it rules our lives, makes things happen, gets things moving but it can also be abused.

Indeed, many street vagrants in London are said to prefer money than food nowadays in this increasingly deceptive world.

Yet the latest research that money doesn’t buy happiness for Britons speaks volumes of their stressful lifestyle, particularly in the British capital.

Well, London may have everything that money can buy; the best in fabulous food, divine decor, gorgeous gifts, funky fashion, exquisite entertainment. The list goes on.

But when it comes to happiness, Britain is way behind France and Spain which topped the European Quality of Life Index, compiled by price comparison site

The findings may come as no surprise to Londoners, whose city of nearly eight million inhabitants has changed dramatically over the past two decades.

And living in one of the world’s largest and most diverse metropolis has its price, even though their salaries are more than £10,000 (RM56,000) above the European annual average.

For the city’s a bewildering place, especially if you’re a first-timer and trying to fit in with more than 200 communities speaking over 300 languages.

Very often, you find yourself the only one speaking English among your fellow bus or train commuters – the rest are spouting a myriad of foreign languages over their mobile phones or with their companions!
Hence, it’s not so much a question of money but more in terms of living a quality life amid the challenges of a melting-pot environment.

Admittedly, money can buy a certain degree of happiness; you can get a decent meal, pay your household bills, wear your favourite clothes or have a great day out.

Likewise, a hungry, homeless person living on the streets can hardly be happy if he doesn’t have even a single quid to buy a sandwich to fill his stomach.

Simply put, money can buy something that may put a smile on your face or let you do the things you love to do.

Of course, there’s a distinct difference between materialistic and true happiness – the latter coming from within and depending on how you perceive it. But then again, money may not make you completely happy, as you’ll probably be surrounded by fair-weather friends who are simply eyeing your wealth.

In fact, there’re plenty of miserable rich people out there – celebrities, film stars and footballers as financial stability does not necessarily guarantee happiness.

Just as you can be alone but not lonely, the richest people in the world are sometimes unhappy, while the poorest the happiest.

For many, true happiness is being in the company of their loved ones or with genuine friends. After all, this is one commodity that cannot be bought or sold.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

To be or not to be: That is the question

To be or not to be:
         That is the question

This famous quote is from Shakespear's "Hamlet", act three, scene 1.

What is done, is done. Why do I always carry out the role as group leader? Whether by non-consciously or appointed to be. Managing personal works is one thing, but managing other people's works is another totally different kind of things. Ay, depending on the competency level of course, but still, it is not a simple task.

I am not a verbal criticizer nor a pacifist. I sent the message across once and expect to receive comprehension. After all, we all are mature enough to evaluate, right?

But then again, the job is done. Thank you guys.

They say clever people learn from their own mistakes. Wise people, however, learn from other people's mistakes.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Headshrink hour

What now? Err.. Monologue with myself, I think so..

Monologue? Yeah... And you are my second conscious persona...

WOw...Sounds cool.. Any reason to summon me? Nth in particular...

Hmm... Alright... You're leaving me to conduct this session? Haha... you know me...

Zzzz... What a whimsical guy... = = ''' (no comment)

You feeling okay? I guess not... I dunno...

Then you are not okay. Why the depressed look? Huh? You can tell?

Hey, I am you, remember? Alright alright... I'll spill it out... But where to start?

Let's start with, What have you accomplished? Nth...

What makes you say so? Coz my old frens have more accomplishments than me...

How do you know that? Facebook. Duh....

And your new Uni frens? Incomparable... due to my biased point of view...

So you wished you're with your old frens more? It's an unfair question. I missed them as well as I cherish my new frens here. There's no contradiction. I am sure they will answer the same as me.

What are you talking about? I want to accomplish more. Of course with the support of my new frens here. The same goes to my old frens who've accomplished with their new frens' support.

Meaning that you're an underachiever now? Erm... Sort of...

Are you willing to go back to the past? Who doesnt? Undoing the things that I've done and doing things that I have not done.

So that? So that my present will be much better than it already is.

But how about your future? I dunno. I think it is based on my present.

Alright... there are three types of people. First type is the one who wants to live in the past. The second is the one who wants to live in the present. The third is the one who wants to live in the future. Which one is you? Right now I think I am the first type.

But you mentioned " Right now". Which means that you'll be the second or third type right? Yeap.

Are you evaluating this session as a self negativity session? I do not think so. I am more of thinking this as a brainstorming session. Rearranging what is out of place and discovering new stuff (such as priorities)

I think that concludes our session now. Wish you all the best and remember that the best in your life is yet to be discovered. If there's anything else you know how to summon me right? Righty-O

p/s: Will this be edited? Depends. Right now I think it is fine. And I wanna sleep.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mooncake Festival

Unforgettable celebration night...

Thursday, September 10, 2009


こんにちは。私のブログ(Blog) ようこそ。今はじめて日本語 に ブログを かいる。私の日本語はあまりじょずじゃありませんが、買いたいです。ですから、みんなの読むまえに 私の”すみません” を もらてください。

じゃ、なにか 私 はみんあさん に はなしる?ええと、

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Simple ride

“Yo” a friendly snub in my side was ensued by a friendly smile. I turned around and it was J. It has been so long since I’ve seen such a face. So sincere and warm. Lately, I’ve only seen stressed faces around me. If yawning is contagious, I wonder if it is the same for stress. Compared to those few faces, I actually felt glad to have seen J.

“Yosh” I gestured back with a smile. “It has been a while”

“Yeah. It is the time of the semester, I think. Busy with assignments and mid terms. Haha” J shrugged.

“By the way, how long have you waited for the bus till now?” J continued.

“Oh… about 15 minutes. 2 sardine-packed Kg E buses just roared past me” I replied.

As soon I said that, an almost empty Kg E bus stopped in front of the bus stop. The “student-magnet” was swarmed with hapless, impatient, sweaty, inconsiderate students. Both of us took no move but to wait for our chance.

“Haha… What a shame… Considering that we’re NOW 3rd year students. And yet we still have to deal with this crap” J quipped.

“Yeah… I couldn’t agree more. But the wait is gonna be worthwhile” I added.

True enough. By the time we boarded the bus, there were 2 empty seats side by side for me and J. Perhaps there’s a divine intervention to reward us for our patience? I couldn’t tell. But one thing that I could tell was that right at the moment I can only think to enjoy the short ride back with J.

Along the ride, we were chatting like there’s no tomorrow. Warm gestures sugarcoated with smiles were exchanged between me and J. The conversation was really, really enjoyable. It was one of the rare moments when you don’t have to hide your face behind a fake smile.

“So, I heard that you are going to do your practical for the whole next semester…” I commented.

“Yeah, for the whole semester” J sighed. But J continued enthusiastically, “But I am sooo looking forward to it. It is gonna be sooo exciting!”

“I am sure you do. I assume you are doing your practical at a private company, right?”

“Mmm!” J nodded.

Before long, the bus finally reached the student drop-off point of Kg E. A glimpse of someone I know from the bus window outside was waiting for J. J smiled and waved to that person.

“Um… I gotta go now…”

“Yeah… I am taking the other way. See ya”. Then I walked away to the opposite direction.

As I walked, my mind was really calm. It was one of the ride that I enjoyed really much even though it didn't last long.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Random Rambling

“Hey! You know what? My friend just texted me that our finals’ result are finally online!” a familiar voice several feet behind me spoke up. The voice sounded enthusiastic about it but not me. Not this time again. I’ve had had this moment few times before. Gosh... I missed the times when I will be anxious and be full of expectations about my exam results…

Looking back at the source of the voice, I can see the excited chattering faces among the likes. I do not want to be involved in that kind of conversation. And so, with heavy footsteps, I left the similar déjà vu scene, grimacing at the invisible emptiness within me…

“What the fuck happened to you? You used to ace these simpletons and not the other way around. They are not even in your league. You can smoke ‘em good”

“I dunno how and what hit me… I guess the aftermath of my biggest pain has got the better of me. Can’t you see? I’ve lost almost everything that I am proud of in my life. Just tell me that I am an utter failure. Spare nothing please”

“Yeah, sure dude. You are just like a shit. Wait, no… You are worse than shit. You are scum. First, take a step back and literally FUCK YOUR OWN FACE! Whatever thing you are thinking you had better think again or else I’ll massacre you. I WILL FUCK YOU UP! You are fucked up for now. The question left for you is: Are you gonna let those fuckfaces continue to undermine you? Are they even worthy to fuck you up?”

“Based on the current situation, why not? It is FUBAR!”

“Blistering barnacles… You are a total wreck dude. Sober up”

“As if that woul….”


“Now listen up and listen well. We can go on like this for eternity if you want. I don’t give any shit about your soap opera hocus pocus or whatever you call this mumbo jumbo. I know that deep down inside of you there is this chained wounded falcon struggling to soar up high in the sky. The sky is where it belongs. Fly higher than the lowly prey sparrows and other critters. I am just the gatekeeper. Do you have the key?”

“I guess so… Let’s go dude, we have a prickly mountain ahead of us. Art thou ready?”

“Anytime bro. Let’s rain down our ungodly fucking firestorm upon ‘em. They’ll have to get fucking United Nations to get a fucking binding resolution to keep us from fucking destroying ‘em”

Thursday, August 6, 2009

To My Friends Who Are...........SINGLE
Love is like a butterfly,
the more you chase it,
the more it eludes you.
But if you just let it fly,
it will come to you when you least expect it.
Love can make you happy but often it hurts,
but love's only special when you give it to someone who is really worth it.
So take your time and choose the best.

To My Friends Who Are............NOT SO SINGLE
Love isn't about becoming someone else's perfect person.
It's about finding someone who helps you become the best person you can be.

To My Friends Who Are............PLAYBOY/GIRL TYPE
Never say 'I love you' if you don't care.
Never talk about feelings if they aren't there.
Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart.
Never look in the eye when all you do is lie.
The cruelest thing a guy can do to a girl is to let her fall in love
when he doesn't intend to catch her fall and it works both ways.

To My Friends Who Are............MARRIED
Love is not about "it's your fault", but "I'm sorry.",
not "where are you", but "I am right here",
not "how could you", but "I understand",
not "I wish you were", but "I am thankful you are".

To My Friends Who Are............ENGAGED
The true measure of compatibility is not the years spent together,
but how good you are for each other.

To My Friends Who Are............HEARTBROKEN
Heartbreaks last as long as you want,
and cut as deep as you allow them to go.
The challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks,
but to learn from them.

To My Friends Who Are............NAIVE How to be in love:
Fall but don't stumble,
be consistent but not too persistent,
share and never be unfair,
understand and try not to demand,
and get hurt but never keep the pain.

To My Friends Who Are............POSSESSIVE
It breaks your heart to see the one you love happy with someone else,
but it's more painful to know that the one you love is unhappy with you.

To My Friends Who Are............AFRAID TO CONFESS
Love hurts when you break up with someone,
it hurts even more when someone breaks up with you,
but love hurts the most when the person you love has no idea how you feel.

To My Friends Who Are............STILL HOLDING ON
A sad thing about life is when you meet someone and fall in love,
only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be,
and that you have wasted years on someone who wasn't worth it.
If he isn't worth it now he's not going to be worth it a year or 10 years from now.

Monday, May 25, 2009


I almost blew my fuse just now... I mean, JUST NOW! An unexpected vulgar sms was sent to me which totally made me went "Wtf?!!" I was about to tell him to drop dead instantly he received my reply in sms until I suddenly decided to think using my brains instead of my fuming heart.

I am clearly not at fault and yet I replied "Oh- Sorry?". What about an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth principle? It might clearly satisfies one's ego initially and temporarily but then what about the aftermath? Cold war will wage for unknown duration, friendships may severe, backstabbing will be rampant, and in worse case scenario - when the mind cannot control the body anymore, physical attacks will ensue.

I've been denying myself of my own hot-headedness. Yeah... Sure... I've my share of nasty incidents where I blew my lid. But then I do not blame myself. I blamed those who had tested my patience. "You knew that I have a short fuse, then why do you still want to provoke me?!!!! You are only digging your own grave, BASTARD!!!!". In truth, the provoker dug the grave for both of us. Fine, if You want the trouble, if You want the pain so much, if you are asking for it, then why don't you jump into the incinerator? Why Don't you just gauge your eyes out and pour salted lead into the hollow sockets? Don't drag me into your SHIT!!! You whimsical fcuktard!!

I am kinda tired of having to put up with people's shit. My patience is running out. They say patience is virtue. But can virtue solves virtually everything? Can virtue flush the SHIT away? No! From what I know, the SHITS just piled up higher and higher. Which is why the use of force is necessary to flush away the annoying SHITS.

Annoyance is another thing. What annoys people? Repeated undesirable disturbances, behaviors, hindrance and harrassing. I personally despise LC people. Even if they do not LC in front of me, I will still like to punch the daylight out of them. I couldn't stand the sight of LC ppl even if they LC in front of other victims. They are like warts. Annoying. Hard to remove and yet they still rear their ugly heads around. Annoyance is a hazard to one's temper. U can see how a Mom screamed at the top of her lungs to her naughty kids. Or a lecturer shooting mercilessly at his mentee during the VIVA presentation due to the own stupid student's incompetence. Does this make the Mom or the lecturer a bad person for blowing their fuse? One can say that they are at fault too, for their inability to control their subjects (kids and students) but is it fair? One need to be responsible for their own actions.

"SO, only those who are prepared to be KILLEd can KiLL."

Comprehend that yourself, if you are competent enough.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sucré rêve

“Seat D8. Finally I’ve found it” I thought to myself. But an uncle has already being seated there.

“Looking for seat 8 yea boy? This is my seat, D8. Are you sure you’re looking for the correct one?” he offered to help.

“Err… Yeah. That’s what printed on this ticket…” I began to get confused.

“Oh, let me see that for a while boy”

I handed him my ticket.

“Hmm… Indeed. Your seat is indeed D8 but that is for Hall 7. This is Hall 3. You are inside the wrong hall boy… Haha” he smiled as he handed my ticket back to me.

“Huh? Oh my. My apologies, uncle. Thanks” as I hurried out to find the correct hall. What a blunder!

As I hurried along the corridor to look for the correct movie hall, I heard somebody called out my last name. It’s a girl’s voice. Sounded familiar too but I must have been mistaken.


I felt a pat on my shoulder and turned around. It was her!

“Why didn’t you respond? I called out your name just now” she asked.

“Well, err… I thought the last name was for another person. You see, there’s a lot of people with the last name C_Yang” as I spotted my senior who is also having the same last name as me.

“Hi, C_Yang” I called out.

“Yo” he called out back as he joined back his circle of friends nearby.

“Alright” she rolled her eyes. Somewhat unconvinced. “So, which hall will you be in?”

“Hall 7. Something funny happened just now”

“Hmm? Funny?”

I could see her interested eyes in my story. Her beady eyes are crystal clear behind her purple framed spectacles. I am stunned for a while, for I haven’t observed a girl this close before. She has cute bangs on her forehead, accompanied by short-cut hair, almost reaching shoulder-length. Her lips were pouty and moist. As if she had really used a lip balm. She didn’t have any make-up on and yet her face is still looking radiant.

“Err… hello?”

I was snapped out. That admission ticket in my hand was counting sheep with me.

“Huh? Oh. I was in Hall 3 by mistake just now. Pretty stupid huh? Luckily there’s a kind uncle cleared me out of my confusion”

“Eh? I was in Hall 3 by mistake too. Haha… What a coincidence. I am going to Hall 7 too!”

“Wow. Just perfect. Well, let’s get going together now. The movie is about to start”

As we entered the hall and looked for our seats, I found out that she had her seat next to mine! What a coincidence! Well, this could mean something couldn’t it? I didn’t bother to ask her if she is having a company along for the movie. For now it is just the two of us together, side by side, watching the same movie. Halfway through the movie, I felt some weight on my shoulder. I turned around slowly and I can see that she’s leaning against my shoulder. Her dreamy eyes are still fixed on to the silver screen. I didn’t utter a word nor did she. There’s just silence between us and yet the warmth, the wonderful feelings reverberated throughout my whole body. The tacit feelings in the atmosphere. I just wanted this moment to last for as long as it can.

She turned her face towards me. Her eyes looked as if they are saying something. I leaned closer. Closer and closer so that my lips can reach hers. My heart was pounding heavily.

Just when I was about to kiss her, she suddenly apologized “I am sorry. But… you are too late now…”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“You are too late now. I already have a boyfriend” she said this softly, her eyes were looking away from mine. It was perfectly understandable. You wouldn’t stab a person by looking at their eyes right? I couldn’t utter another word. My mind was numb. Numb from the shock.

“But… we can still be friends right?” I took great effort to pronounce every single word of the sentence.

“Em. Yeah” she nodded and smiled. It was sincere.

“Okay, then, now hold out your hand” I requested.

She did so without asking. I took hers quickly. She was quite surprised. I took her hand close to my chest for a brief moment, while taking a deep breath, then raising it up until it was at my chin level.

“Emm… What do you think you are doing?”

“Relax. This is what I call a pat-on-the-back-of-the-head” as I directed her hand with mine to pat the back of my head. Pacifying myself. She didn’t resist either and smiled all the way. Her eyes were mellow now…………


Haha… Well, what do you think? Relax. It was just a dream. XD. I woke up with a great feeling after that magnificent dream and quickly typed it down on my word processor before the memory fades away. There are some things which are not answered up to my expectations but then, the answer is graciously acceptable by the moment. After all, this could mean something isn’t it?

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thought, believe, wish

For the first time we met
I thought you are simple
I thought you are predictable
I thought you are dense
I thought you are a kind person
And I thought you are a firm person

And when we get to know each other
(Or at least I get to know you better than you know me)
I now believe that you are complex
I now believe that you are like Sabah weather
I now believe you are still a dense person
I now believe you are still a kind person
And I now believe that you are a fickle person

As the clock ticks life away
I get to know about you even more
And yet I believe you do not have a clue about the real me
But then it is fine with me
Since your happiness is what I wished to see
Since that matter is what you are always being preoccupied with, right?

I wish that your inner complex wouldn’t affect you (or me or people around)
I wish that you can at least be predictable
I wish that you will overcome your denseness
I wish that you will continue to be kind
And I wish that you will be firm
As I used to think of you that way…

I hope the one I intended for to read this will get what I wanted to convey.
Or else that person is still dense.

Food for the thought

January 2009

My stomach growled for the umpteenth time when I was on the verge of completing my lab report. Well, this will be due next week, might as well continue this after lunch, I thought. I gave in to my inner beast’s demand and headed for the nearest cafeteria at the library. It has been months since I last been to library’s cafeteria.

In the midst of the usual afternoon lunch atmosphere, I tried to locate my favourite claypot stall. All that there were used to be was an empty counter and no stoves. Weird, I thought. That claypot stall, especially, used to enjoy good business. Why the closure?

“… Sigh.. you know what… The library’s who’s who don’t like the way we do our business… Especially when we used our stoves… Maybe they do not wanna get the windows oily or sth else…” I recalled the owner sighed melancholically to me few months ago.

Poor Uncle Claypot.

Well, there’s nothing else like a simple meal of chicken rice. With that thought, I immediately made my queue to the chicken rice stall.

RM 3.50. Ka-chink! A tray with the standard yellow coloured rice, choppings of chicken, salsa and soup was soon landed on my table.

After said my prayers, I picked up the spoon and began to scoop the rice. Hm? Something is wrong. The spoon is embedded deep in the mound of rice. Stuck. There’s some difficulty in pulling out the spoon without having to lift the entire mound of rice. The rice’s texture is mushy and sticky. Was it me or the rice’s usual fragrance is absent? I dared a mouthful. The whole stuff is neither porridge nor rice. Maybe a derivation from the mixture of porridge and rice or rice re-cooked with too much water. I do not want to conclude.

Fine. Then I tried to pierce the chicken meat with my fork. Whoa. The chicken was not tender at all and it appeared to be dried up. This cannot be good, I groaned. Better dip it in salsa to drown the advent of unwanted taste in my mouth.

As I chewed on the chicken meat, a surge of sour sensation spread throughout my mouth. What the……!? The whole salsa was overpowered by vinegar! I could not take it anymore. I quickly sipped my soup; in an effort to wash that vinegar taste away.

Looks like the chicken rice operator cannot fail to surprise me. I almost spewed my mouthful contents across the table. The soup is overwhelmed by a “generous” amount of pepper.

Blistering barnacles, I muttered. I was on a tight budget and couldn’t afford to buy another meal for lunch. My stomach growled again. Without much hesitation I gulped the whole chicken rice – minus the stupid salsa and sucky soup.

After the “ordeal”, I quickly made my way to the library, walking past unfinished trays of the same chicken rice. With the last glance over my shoulder, I vowed not to return to that conniving chickenshit chop chop conning stall.

Kaypreekorn - the origin

Welcome, readers.

How exciting it is! A new blog! Now this blog has the name of Kaypreekorn. If you've guessed it, then you're right. Its mere pronounciation will ring the bell that it is the zodiac of JadePrince. Plus if you scrutinized it, the word "Kay", if pronounced correctly, is the actually the middle name of JadePrince. Erm, for the rest of the spellings, they are up to your imaginations to work them out. When you finally do, please post it up. It will be interesting for JadePrince and others to read ^^.

The content of this blog will be on random stuff. So, you might or might not be tantalized, stimulated, compelled or have any other effects from reading them. Nevertheless, JadePrince will always make sure that JadePrince will post something that is "blog-like". Last but not least, do enjoy your stay at Kaypreekorn with JadePrince.



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